Sunday, 10 August 2014

WhaleFest Volunteer BBQ

Saturday 9th August and our little Morgan was back in the UK, enjoying the sunny British summer… while it lasted! In a warm patch of south east England, Morgan had joined up with some of the volunteers who helped make WhaleFest 2014, where Follow Free Morgan was launched, a huge success. It was a chance to catch up with old friends, to celebrate the success of WhaleFest 2014 and to start planning WhaleFest 2015. Of course the team had not been sat on its heels for the last five months and plans were already afoot. This was a chance for the volunteers to hear what is happening and the time of get involved

Our little Morgan and just two of the wonderful WhaleFest Volunteers

First there was time to look back on what a massive success WhaleFest 2014 was, and what better way than the wonderful short video created about the event. You can take a look at that very video by clicking the link below

Then of course what better way to enjoy the British summer than we a wonderful BBQ! Over a beer, burger or a soft drink there was not better way for the team to catch up and chat, with the talk inevitably leading to the adventures that our friends have been on. There was talk of wild Orca in Canada and Iceland and of adventures in Arizona to name but a few. Our little Morgan was in her element, with tales to tell of Iceland and Brussels, Pembrokeshire and the Azores.

A Great British BBQ
Following a well-earned pit stop it was back to the meeting, and now the team was onto discussing WhaleFest 2015. With a new venue, the Brighton Centre, WhaleFest 2015 is looking to be bigger and better than ever! Once again the event will be raising funds for the World Cetacean Alliance, with favourites such as the Submarine Dome experience, Virtual Whale Watch, campaign and science talks all set to make a return as well as few new surprises in store! 

In the lead up the team looks to expand and develop WhaleFest and the WCA’s social media presence, with the aim of telling the world what WhaleFest is all about. Passionate people coming together to inspire the world to protect whales and dolphins, and their ocean habitat. So look out for #Whalefies and share yours at WhaleFest and World Cetacean Alliance on Facebook and Twitter! 

So here is our little Morgan’s first attempt at a #Whalefie with guest appearance of Rachael, complete in Orca suit and Barley!

#Whalefie with Morgan, Rachael and Barley

If you want to get involved and help run the worlds biggest festival of whales and dolphins then contact 

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